Marketing Coordinator
From Advertisements to Social Media to Website Posts, working at the Largest Family Law Firm in Illinois, we worked on it all.
At Beermann LLP, I was the first person to take up the Marketing Coordinator role. Aside from the website, marketing via social media, website posting, and collateral creation, among other things, were scarce and not very cohesive.
Since my start, we have been able to establish a brand look with consistent fonts, colors, and layouts. We have a more consistent social media schedule (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), we started an Instagram page and our attorneys have been able to submit social media and special project requests and have them completed promptly. We have established print marketing materials, and created event materials on brand and with a consistent look and feel. Print marketing materials include networking folders with firm information, general ads, general information cards for reception areas and events, QR code signs, event banners and posters, bookmarks, and more.